首页 > 营销 > 百威-亚太北区精酿事业部副总裁-Nicolas Morelli:符合中国特色的创新才能获得忠诚客户群体

百威-亚太北区精酿事业部副总裁-Nicolas Morelli:符合中国特色的创新才能获得忠诚客户群体

GDMS|2020-06-02 12:29


——Nicolas Morelli 百威颠覆性增长事业部亚太北区副总裁

12月2日,在2019 GDMS 全球数字营销峰会上,百威颠覆性增长事业部亚太北区副总裁茅瑞黎(Nicolas Morelli)接受了特邀媒体、专访平台——凤凰网的访问。他毫无保留地分享了精酿啤酒行业的新趋势以及利用网络和数字商务实现营销目标的法宝,同时也强调,以中国特色为创新的营销才能保证国际品牌的影响力。最后,他分享了利用新媒体、数据挖掘和保持品牌在客户心中重要地位的几点体会。


凤凰网: 2020年啤酒行业会有哪些新的趋势和新的改变,百威会如何为此规划?
茅瑞黎(Nicolas Morelli):我主要看到了两个趋势,一是无调味啤酒,这种啤酒现在发展迅猛,消费者想了解新的酿造啤酒的原料。另一个趋势是,消费者对个性化的啤酒很感兴趣,他们可以选择原料来自己酿啤酒,选择为他们量身打造的啤酒。这是我看到的两大趋势,当然这都说得通,因为在百威和ZX Ventures,我们的目标是为消费者带来更多的创新。
Nicolas Morelli:百威品牌在中国所做的正是一个很好的例子。作为世界上最大的啤酒品牌,百威在中国的所有行销活动都是以中国为特色来满足当地消费者需求的。百威根据中国的地方特色推出了一系列创新,比如,在中国的各种餐厅,你能看到百威金尊,这是百威家族中的又一款啤酒,在中国的不同地方我们都设计了不同的包装,也因此获得了不同的忠实客户群,这也是我认为百威在中国营销出色的原因。我们不但把我们的全球热情带到中国,我们也根据中国当地消费者的需求来为他们量身打造他们所需的产品,这是我们与其他品牌的不同之处。
Nicolas Morelli:作为百威公司,在面对不同的消费者群体时,我们有一系列不同的品牌。过去我们的品牌都是面向年轻人的,从法定允许喝酒年龄到25岁的年轻群体。现在我们意识到还有一大批消费者是更成熟一些的人群,他们追求更有品质的口味,我们也想要满足他们的需求。我们的做法是,我们在面对不同群体时会选择不同的品牌。我们的精酿啤酒品牌当然是更贴近于年轻人的口味的,但是我们也明白,需要给消费者提供更多的选择。因为当你逐渐成长和成熟,你的口味可能也会随之改变,我们有一些啤酒更适合让你在家里品尝。比如说,我们在12月8号即将推出的瓶装King Louie路易国王帝国世涛,酒精含量达8.5%,这款啤酒是面向相对成熟的消费者,是一款适合在家里细细品味、慢慢享受的啤酒。这是我们面对不同消费群体采取的方式。

Nicolas Morelli:我认为,在中国发生的一切,都远比在其他国家发生的要快得多。我认为我们的主要目标是通过获取客户数据来了解和掌握客户需求,了解我们的啤酒还无法满足客户的哪些需求,我们能够如何发展自己的产品来满足这些需求。媒体正在改变,正在为大家的未来开发一个更大的市场,比如微博等中国的其他网络平台,在上面我们能获得比其他任何国家的网络平台都要多得多的数据。但我们的目标是,利用这些数据去了解客户需求。我们不是为了窃取客户的信息,我们是要通过分析这些数据更好的满足客户的需求,更好的帮助和支持他们,在未来能够在客户的生活中拥有更重要的地位。

凤凰网:The first question is, in your mind, what new trends or new changes will emerge in bier industry in 2020? How does Budweiser take this layout in this regard?
嘉宾:I think one thing we are going to see in the beer industry, for sure it’s two things, within the styles for sure for beer it’s something that unflavored beer is something that is growing fast and we see a big trend behind it, and consumers want to know about new ingredients and new things to actually brew beer. The second thing that consumers are really into is personalization, you know how to do beers are actually made for them and made as they could choose different things on how to actually brew their own beer. So this is the two trends that I see, and makes a lot of sense especially within the Budweiser company and ZX Ventures that is our role to bring new beers to life and to bring these innovations to consumers.
凤凰网:How can Budweiser make its brand be useful and attractive to young people?
嘉宾:I think I will answer again, as Budweiser company we have different tools to actually make this happen, I think e-commerce and digital commerce is something that helped us, we have a digital commerce area within our company that help us to tackle the trends and understand what consumers are actually are and actually spending their money and figure it out which are the locations and the different consumer unmet needs and understand the product we want to launch within our brands and our Budweiser portfolio to tackle this consumer needs. We have different examples of these type of things that we already launched this year, as an example we run Budweiser samples that it’s a new amber lager beer within the Budweiser portfolio to tackle a trend of different styles of beer within larger segments, within the ZX portfolio we have the same thing, as an example during 2019, we test with consumer different session IPAs that is basic and is tight that it’s IPA it’s a really bitterest type for Chinese and we understand that we could launch a new variant with a lower bitterness and we tested with consumer three different variants with three different within the same style three different names and packaging and we give consumers the choice to actually pick the name and the beer will launch. Finally in July we launched duck duck goose island, that is our new flagship brand that we have in the market since July.
凤凰网:How can global brand achieve localized communication while maintaining its brand personality?
嘉宾:I think this is a great example of the things Budweiser brand is doing in China, Budweiser is the biggest global brand in the world, but basically every campaign that Budweiser has in China is a localized campaign that tackle different consumer needs and different locations that Budweiser actually tackle in China. Within this I think Nightlife was something that Budweiser boost in the past and work really well for the branding in the different locations and they have different, one thing that Budweiser does really well in China is launch different innovations to tackle this occasional opportunities, as an example for Chinese restaurants Budweiser has Budweiser Supreme, that is another liquid within the Budweiser family, the same thing in the Nightlife we have a aluminum bottle of different type of innovation that helped us to actually win in the different locations, so that’s how I think that Budweiser brand actually does an amazing job in China to level us with the global passion points on the global campaigns, but actually localize it and understanding the consumer needs in China and are different for sure than the rest of the world and launching innovation and campaigns that are fully aligned with the customer needs.
凤凰网:How does Budweiser get insight into customer matters of different generations, and keep updating its product layout?
嘉宾:That’s another thing that we, because as Budweiser as a company we have a different portfolio of brands we could select different brands to play in different consumer segments and different consumer range, so we built category was fully dedicated in the past to only young consumers to legal drinking age consumers to 25, and now we realize that there is a huge amount of consumers are older consumers that have a more premium taste and we want to tackle different consumers. So the way that we do is that we have a different portfolio of brands that help us to focus each brand and target each brand to different type of consumer. Our craft brands for sure needs to be relevant within the young consumers, but we know that we need to offer to consumers different options, when you are getting older and you are getting different, different moments in your life, and our beers are also more, beers are for to have a pleasure in your own home. So that’s why we offer different, as an example we just launched this month within boxing cut portfolio, we launched a King Louis that is a black beer of around 10 percent ABV 10 percent alcohol, that it’s more for an older consumer that wants to have a pleasurable moment and to drink it in their homes. So that’s how we see the different type of consumers and we tackle depending on the different brands that we have.
凤凰网:Last question is about media, what transformation should media make when the time, technology and customers change.
嘉宾:I think at the end everything that is happening in China, it’s happening faster than any other market in the world. I think our key role is to actually get the data from consumers and understand, transform that data into actual insights and understand what are the things that our beers are not meeting the consumer needs, how we could develop things for them and make it happen. I think that’s how we are going to actually use the information and how the media is changing to actually be relevant in the market and build a bigger market of the future, using the data that consumer provides because they actually are already doing it and they are already using this amazing platform that you have on Wechat where all the platforms that we all have in China that we have much more data than any other one in our country or any country in Western country in the world and get this information. But our key role is to process this information, understand how we actually could tackle things and launch things and launch campaigns and be relevant with the consumer with the data that we get, and it’s not only getting data because of gaining details to transform into insights and say how we could make this consumer need and launch things for them to be more relevant in their life.

本文来源:凤凰网综合责任编辑:吕育苗 PSY025


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